Monday, January 25, 2010

The Spaghetti of kHell XD

Just a day before, we had a big fight over... guess what? OVER A CHOCOLATE DOUGHNUT!!! Bwahahaha! Really. Married people seem to enjoy making each other's life hellish. Then afterwards, they feel very sorry for what they did. So yeah, we made up and we're friends again. XD

We got some groceries quite late at night. Yesterday, we planned to have a spaghetti cook out. Hotdogs, chicken nuggets, black pepper, choco-choco, yogurt, choco-covered almonds, yakult and oh, a little someting for the bathroom which I won't mention anymore XD. Weird shopping list eh? Original plan was just to buy hotdogs and black pepper but when Khel sees things on the shelves, he's pretty much like a little kid. Guess he's a good practice for handling a kid at toy stores. We also wanted to buy some melons from the fruit stalls but geez... friggin' vendors would sell anything as long as they can still be recognized by buyers. Too bad I can't have the melon-swimming-in-milk-and-ice dream I've been craving for since Friday.

So back to the kitchen, Khel started blowing the onions. (according to this genius, you can try to blow away the "fumes" emitted by the onions to avoid getting melodramatic over them) He kept complaining about the way he minced the onions. He finished 3 bulbs before convincing himself he isn't good at it. Jahaha! I told him to work on the hotdogs which he happily did while I painstakingly peeled off the garlic skins. When we finished with the ingredients, I washed the dishes and left the cooking to him. It was one of our "cute moments". I could tell Kheloids looks kinda cute while cooking. (Uuuyyy! Falling in love all over again. Ayeee! XD) He constantly asked me what to do next (as if I know what's next).

Anyways, try the following steps if you want to try Khel's (sounds like Hell's) spaghetti:
1. Bring uhmmm... a few liters of water to boil. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and some oil.

2. Saute the onions and garlic. Add the hotdogs and the ground beef. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Pour a big pack of Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce (advertise lels) and simmer for as long as you like. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Add the button mushrooms cut into quarters. Season with salt and pepper again -_-.
5. Grate half of the block of cheese or as many as you like into the science project you are making and season with pepper and salt (for a change...)
6. Fry the chicken nuggets in a hot pan and talk with your wife. Stir the spaghetti sauce.
7. Finally, add the cream to the science project. Season with salt and pepper for the last time. Errrhh.. don't forget to flip the nuggets in the pan. Also try tasting the sauce before serving them to your guests to avoid embarrassing moments. It's mandatory.

Now for the verdict! 

It was good. A little awkward for me say it but yeah, it tasted really good. Haha! Beginner's luck? Or his late night viewing of cooking shows paying off? Wotevah! I love the spaghetti made by my love. ^__~